Monday, June 29, 2009

What a week!

Last week started off with learning something new at work...
kinda fun

Watched our youngest walk across the stage at Graduation...
a tad bit emotional

Learned a few things about H1N1 I never knew...
very interesting

Celebrated a sweet baby girl turning two...
definitely a highlight

Attended a funeral of a young husband, father and grandfather...
so sad for the family

Spent an evening with 100+ others at a picnic...
back to fun

And this week?

Starting off on a great note - it's our 29th Anniversary today
and...we have an invite for supper!

Gotta pictures today...sorry
I seem to have very few pics of hubby and me!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Our last Graduate...

I'm really at a loss for words right now...
Can't believe all the years our kids have been schooling have come and gone...
23 years to be exact (almost 1/4 of a century!)

It JUST can't be!

And of course, any mother would say...
it just seems like yesterday...

First day of school...Proud as can be

Oh, this day is bittersweet for sure.

Though I'm so disappointed that my camera
decided to act up,
and I don't have much for pictures to show for the
excitement of the day
I'm so proud of our boy...ooops...young man!!

Can't believe our "baby" *shhhh* just graduated!

I need to go cry now

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Just wanted to ask for prayer for two families, though there are certainly more I could include, as each of you would be able to as well...this just hits home for people who are dear to me.

My sis-in-law's brother was in a very serious transport accident and his life is hanging in the balance. He has six young children. They would covet your prayers.

Another sister-in-law's brother died very suddenly during the night. Without any details, I ask if you would please uphold this family in prayer as well.

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." Ephesians 6:18

There's always someone somewhere who could use our intercessory prayer. May we, in the busyness of our day, never forgot to lift one another up in prayer.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sweet Little Reunion

Well, after two long weeks, the little family is back home together.
I got to pick the two youngsters up at a half-way meeting point.

Little miss "Messy Molly",
appropriately tagged by her other Nana & Papa,
was all smiles.

as was this sweet boy...
did I mention, he gives the most wonderful, long hugs?

After some lunch together with both Nanas, great-grandma and Auntie Stacey,
it was time to head for home.

(saying 'bye' and "thanks for taking such good care of me"
to auntie Stacey)

(For some reason I did not manage to get
Nana Friesen in the picture!)

They slept the whole way back,
then about a mile from home the little man woke,
looked around groggily and said, "I'm almost home!"

Papa was home when we arrived, and settled in
for his...

while "Miss Molly" went straight for this...

Then....she recognized something
in the yard she liked to play in...
the garden!

After munching on a few gooseberries, we managed
to walk her out of the garden so she could stay clean
until Mommy & Daddy arrived.

Auntie showed up at the right time
for them to check out how much the littlest missy
had grown while they were away.

And then...

sweet smiles and long hugs were plentiful
when their much anticipated parents walked in the door...
it was so precious!

("You missed me, Daddy!")

one more picture...

We celebrated Father's Day a week early on hubby's side.
This photo was not staged....the little cousins
were all sitting beside each other on the steps.
Miss Molly crouched down one step as I snapped this picture.

My heart overflows with joy and many prayers
for these...God's precious ones!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Glory Celebration!

Today was to be a very special day...
actually... it still is.

It's a day we were anticipating with many others, near and dear.
Celebrating you, Dad...and 80 years!

Can't believe five months have passed.. since...
how is it possible?

When some days drag on and on... thinking of you.

We miss you Dad,
but wouldn't dream of taking you away

from the celebration you're having (well, maybe a wee bit) ...
one that none of us could conjure up!

Dad offering his signature "see you later" wave

Monday, June 8, 2009


Where have we been???

Got the garden in, transplanted plants and shrubs that haven't quite found their 'home' yet, took care of some that were no longer welcome (besides weeds), helped clean out a basement, helped move some friends, re-planted plants that froze! Is this really June?

Regarding the move...what could be more fun than a being with a bunch of ladies donning buckets & Norwex cloths? Ok, don't answer that! Actually, it was fun ...but how cute it was to glance out the window just as the men drove by... standing on the back of the flatbed trailer filled with furniture (they only moved one street over). By the time I got my camera in hand they were too far for a good shot... but they certainly looked like they were enjoying themselves.

What's that they're standing on? Smart thinking..
anyone need a trampoline?

I don't think my friend realized how much stuff she had in her little house. We were all surprised to see that much bigger house get filled up! Got me to thinking... maybe I should plan a "mock move" myself. Couldn't hurt!

Do I dare talk about gardening? Anyone else patiently waiting for *shhh* global warming? We certainly felt a little silly going out in the dark, after hearing it may freeze and double-checking the forecast... scampering around with blankets, sheets, boxes... whatever we could find to cover the small-fortune-worth of bedding plants we put out the week prior. We even made a fire and let it burn, hoping to ward off the frost-bites. Actually I thought it was kinda romantic trying to save the little plants, and if it hadn't been so late, and COLD, we would have sat and enjoyed the fire for a bit. Was a little disheartening to find some of the tomatoes still succumbed even after all our efforts.

So, off to the greenhouse once again the next morning, along with many others. Got smarter this time... bought a healthy, already blooming, tomato plant in a pot that can be quickly whisked inside should old Jack come calling again! This will be the last time!!

We're certainly missing two little red-heads who are off visiting their other Nana & Papa (wonder if that's what they call them?) while mommy & daddy are taking a road trip. Oh the adventures they'll have to treasure and talk about! :)

Oh yes, and our summer plans may change... got a phone call yesterday... more about that later!

I know the spring and summer seasons can be a busy time for people, especially those of us waiting to step out of the freezer. Let's not forget to pause and reflect on how truly blessed we are... to thank the One who is so gracious to us! I don't do that enough. There are people all around us who are going through hard times right now... maybe someone out there needs your touch or a listening ear.

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love
and good deeds,
not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some,
but encouraging one another, and all the more
as you see the Day drawing near."
Heb 10:24, 25

Have a great week!