Well, after two long weeks, the little family is back home together.
I got to pick the two youngsters up at a half-way meeting point.
Little miss "Messy Molly",
appropriately tagged by her other Nana & Papa,
was all smiles.
as was this sweet boy...
did I mention, he gives the most wonderful, long hugs?
After some lunch together with both Nanas, great-grandma and Auntie Stacey,
it was time to head for home.
(saying 'bye' and "thanks for taking such good care of me"
to auntie Stacey)(For some reason I did not manage to getNana Friesen in the picture!)They slept the whole way back,
then about a mile from home the little man woke,
looked around groggily and said,
"I'm almost home!"Papa was home when we arrived, and settled in
for his...
while "Miss Molly" went straight for this...
Then....she recognized something
in the yard she liked to play in...
the garden!
After munching on a few gooseberries, we managed
to walk her out of the garden so she could stay clean
until Mommy & Daddy arrived.
Auntie showed up at the right time
for them to check out how much the littlest missy
had grown while they were away.
And then...
sweet smiles and long hugs were plentiful
when their much anticipated parents walked in the door...
it was so precious!
("You missed me, Daddy!")
one more picture...
We celebrated Father's Day a week early on hubby's side.
This photo was not staged....the little cousins
were all sitting beside each other on the steps.
Miss Molly crouched down one step as I snapped this picture.
My heart overflows with joy and many prayers
for these...God's precious ones!