- fresh salsa mixed & sampled - yummmmmm, so I already said that
- first recipe - cooked and nicely packed into jars
- second batch...hmmm...ready to cook just before I have to leave for said meeting
- I re-read the recipe which says cook for several hours so I figure I'll leave it cooking while I'm away...ONLY because I have a helper staying behind who agrees to stir once in a while
- sitting in the meeting I realize it should only be simmering during this time and at my first opportunity I'll call and have it turned down .... WHICH ..... I promptly forget when we take our break
- meanwhile, my poor helper hardly gets time for leisure and feels quite obligated to watch this cooking pot rather closely
- I get a call a couple of hours later which went something like this, "Uhm, there's not much left of this salsa!" "It's pretty much cooked out - what do you want me to do with it?"
- I RUSH home and sadly look into the pot which was uhm, let's say, well reduced
- positive note - this sure smells and tastes like fantastic tomato paste!!
- solution - mix in the remaining fresh salsa, bring to boil/simmer for just 10 minutes and jar it
Just a Glimpse
"caught a glimpse of Your splendor.."
Sunday, September 12, 2010
One of those better mistakes ..
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
It's a Jungle!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Summer Heat!
This summer has just been so busy with this, that & the other. Truth is
I just don't take the time needed these days to blog about all that's going on,
exciting stuff (besides my last post)
sweet little birthdays
a reunion & visitors ..
a wedding ..
our 30th Anniversary ..
(a post I started but didn't put up)
our first solo road trip as a couple
since our honeymoon!
(I'm not talking about attending 3-day conventions either...
so refreshing :)
Shame on me! I won't be showing you my 'drafts' page either :)
Today we're celebrating 2 more birthdays! Our oldest grandson is turning 5
and since they'll be away when his little sister turns 3,
we'll celebrate that one today as well.
I'm so looking forward to it - parties do a soul good !! :)
Hope you're all enjoying this beautiful summer we've been given....this beautiful DAY we've been given,
we're never guaranteed tomorrow!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Here he is...
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
You just never know

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Pulling up roots..

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Spring Cleaning Anyone?
Monday, February 22, 2010
I'll take that!!

Seems like forever since I've been on here... life has definitely been busy, but I do want to share two huge praise items with you.
These last few weeks I've been quite busy with my mom attending various appointments with her doc and specialists due to some health issues. She has been "through the wringer" so to speak with numerous tests, etc., and we can thankfully say that our worst fears have been relieved, at least to the doctors' knowledge.
What they did find is treatable. We still need to get to the bottom of a couple of issues, but hopefully nothing else is going on that they aren't detecting.
I have to say we were quite worried, yet trying all the while not to be since we need to be trusting God in all things...especially times like these! I just wasn't prepared at all to lose her yet and the memories of what Mom T went through became all too fresh again.
Last week was especially difficult. On Wednesday, as we pulled into the hospital parking lot where Mom was scheduled for more tests, I asked her if she was nervous. She quickly replied, "Not at all". I admitted that I was and so we took a moment to pray together which was wonderfully calming for me. I'm grateful for the peace she displayed and oh so thankful for God's presence and that they didn't find what we were hoping they wouldn't find.
Still with me? Good...'cause the 2nd praise came only two days later and was the icing on the cake!

Emery Shae was born early Friday morning. The call requesting one of us to sprint down the street to watch over the slumbering came only 2 1/2 hours earlier. What a relief when things went quickly. As one who has been through this "process" on four separate occasions, I ALWAYS pray for a
We've been praying daily that God would protect this little one (and mama) for this day. I added a little something to my prayer on Thursday night...you see, Friday would be my sister's birthday and she mentioned several times how she was hoping to for this bundle to arrive on her birthday...so I threw in an extra little request. What fun it was to be able to call her with the news - apparently she had prayed the same prayer!
We're so happy to finally be able to hold this little babe...and of course, her mama is feeling much more comfortable too!
So... my dreaded week ended up being more wonderful than I could have imagined - Isn't God amazing!!
And now...it's wayyyy past my bedtime...good night all!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Ready for What/Who Comes
Yes...it's finished!

quite an accomplishment for me since I don't have
a designated sewing area...hoping that will change
one day :)
Projects often get started, and then get put away to finish
up another day... or *gasp* never!

when they come for naps...

I think I want one for me too!

that's the most fun of all!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
We Remember..
It’s been a year now, our tears have dried
It’s been a year since our hearts have been denied
It’s been a year since we had to say goodbye
to you, DAD
It’s been a year reflecting on memories tucked away
It’s been a year of praying that all would be ok
It’s been a year of longing to have just one more day
with you, DAD
As we look to tomorrow and say goodbye to yesterday
We remember your heart's desire for your family, always
We will forever remember you DAD
There's a hole in our hearts that no one else can fill
...see you later!
~ Your Family ~